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The University of Hong Kong (HKU) launched its 111th Anniversary with a pre-recorded special light projection on the University’s Foundation Day (March 16).

The online programme of about 15 minutes was premiered at 8:30pm showing Main Building and other signature sites on campus being illuminated by beautiful light art projections. It was dedicated to the city of Hong Kong and its courageous people, to convey a message of hope and resilience.

Professor Xiang Zhang, President and Vice-Chancellor of HKU paid his tribute and encouragement to the people of Hong Kong and members of the HKU community in a short speech.

“Every year, we gather on Foundation Day, to honor the achievements of HKU, reflect on our history, and prepare for the future. Today, on our 111th Anniversary, I thank you for being an important part of this special journey,” he said.

Special tribute was paid to the people of Hong Kong, who have supported and shaped the University for over a century.

“Tonight, our Main Building is being illuminated in an expression of hope. Hong Kong is going to be fine.” Professor Zhang thanked the people of HKU whose contribution to the COVID-19 response has been outstanding, especially those in medicine and public health, and also frontline workers in the city including public transport drivers and cleaners who risk their lives by doing their jobs.

The Main Building is a symbol of this spirit of resolve and resilience. Its Loke Yew Hall has experienced two world wars and served as a hospital for soldiers and citizens. It has recently been designated as a community vaccination center for serving in particular seniors who are a vulnerable group under the pandemic.

“Throughout history, we have seen war, occupation and disease outbreaks. We survived them, we emerged stronger every time, and we embody the ‘Lion Rock Spirit’,” Professor Zhang said.

“Be filled with strength and solidarity, and may this light bless us all.” He added.

HKU staff members in the Shenzhen and Beijing Centers, and alumni from around the world also sent in their best wishes via short videos for the special programme.

Founded in 1911, the University of Hong Kong is the first and oldest institution of higher education in Hong Kong. For over a century, the University has dedicated itself to creating knowledge, providing education, and serving society. Today, HKU has an established worldwide reputation for being a research-led comprehensive University with a strong commitment to intellectual freedom, liberty and diversity. For the speech of HKU President Professor Xiang Zhang, please click here.

To view the recorded special programme, please click here.

The Launch of the 111th Anniversary of The University of Hong Kong

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